Developing an Extreme Storm Preparedness Plan

An extreme storm can come in many forms, including blizzards, ice storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. When extreme weather threatens your area, it pays to have your emergency prep done in advance. At Tractor Supply, America’s largest rural lifestyle retailer, we’re here to help you with severe weather preparedness, offering tools, supplies and safety tips. Learn more about developing a comprehensive response plan if you are in the path of a dangerous storm.

1. Build an Emergency Kit with Essentials

In the days leading up to a forecasted severe weather event, state or local governments may provide information to help citizens prepare. This information may be found on government websites or discussed on local news channels during weather reports.

Other times, extreme weather happens with little to no warning. This is why it’s crucial to build an emergency kit and keep it up-to-date year after year. Your weather emergency kit should include essential supplies such as: 

  • Backup light, heat and power sources: Have enough batteries and matches to keep flashlights and lanternspowered or candles and torches lit. Have the right battery chargers for any devices and tools you depend on. You may also need lighters or lighter fluid. Be sure to correctly and safely store all potentially hazardous items. 
  • Emergency supplies: Pack a fire extinguisheremergency radio and fully stocked first-aid kit. Also have flaresor whistles to signal for help, as well as dust masks in case you encounter harmful air.
  • Extra clothing: Have several changes of clothes for each person in your family, including rain gear and boots. Pack extra socks and underwear.
  • Food, drinking water and dining supplies: From water bottles to non-perishable foods to manual can openers, ensure your family has enough food, water and dining supplies to last for several days. You’ll need one gallon of drinking water per day per person. If evacuating or when without power, use coolers with ice to preserve food from your fridge or freezer. Remember to pack disposable plates, cutlery, cups and napkins – you might not be able to wash reusable dishware for days or weeks.
  • Healthcare: You’ll need a supply of your daily medications, vitamins and supplements. You should also have an easy-to-find list of your family’s medical doctors and their phone numbers. 
  • Hygiene and personal care: Your kit should include enough hygiene and personal care items for the entire family. Stock up on shampoo, conditioner, soaphand sanitizer, toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste. In addition to prescription glasses or contact lenses with solution, you may also need feminine products, baby supplies and moist towelettes. Don’t forget about your pet’s needs, too. Make sure there is a supply of water that can be used for sanitary purposes.
  • Spare fuel: Have backup gas cans for each vehicle, and make sure you have enough propane to power your grill or power equipment for several days. 
  • Valuables and important documents: In the face of a disaster, make sure you have your family’s important heirlooms and firearms safely stowed away in a waterproof or fireproof gun safe or traditional safe. You should also secure your family’s sensitive documents, like birth certificates, social security cards, passports, wills and more. 

2. Prepare Your Home and Property During Good Weather

Be proactive during periods of good weather to prepare your home and property for an extreme weather event. Head to Tractor Supply for help with finding the right solutions for your needs, such as:

  • Cooling systems: During extremely hot or humid weather, air conditioners can make all the difference in the comfort and safety of your family. You should also consider fans to circulate airflow and dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air. 
  • Flood preparation supplies: Water pumps can help relocate standing water from the inside of your home to the outside. Sandbags and flood barriers can also assist in keeping floodwaters at bay. Use chains, ropes or straps to cover vulnerable outdoor items with tarps to help protect against water damage. While there is no guarantee these items will prevent flooding, they can make all the difference depending on the situation. 
  • Generators: Keep your important appliances and devices powered in an electricity outage with a generatorfrom Tractor Supply. Our selection includes various generator power options, including batterydual fuelelectricgasliquid propanenatural gas and propane. Read our generator FAQs to learn more about selecting a generator.  
  • Snow and ice removal equipment: During severe winter weather, heavy snowfall or ice accumulation will need to be addressed. Tractor Supply carries snow blowers and other snow removal equipment from top brands, as well as ice meltsalt spreaders and ice scrapers
  • Storm shelters: Consider installing a storm shelter to seek cover during high-wind events like tornadoes and hurricanes. Designed to withstand impact, storm shelters can be installed inside the home as a safe room or outdoors. Tractor Supply has storm shelters that can accommodate up to 20 people. 

Homeowners should also ensure that there are no issues present with their home or property. When extreme weather rolls in, even seemingly minor issues can turn into major headaches. Correct problems such as:

  • Clogged/loose gutters or dysfunctional downspouts 
  • Holes in the roof or siding 
  • Indoor and outdoor drainage issues
  • Loose or damaged roof shingles
  • Signs of structural damage, like uneven flooring or cracks in the walls or ceiling

Before a storm is also the time to check batteries in carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, replacing them with fresh ones if necessary. 

3. Plan for Potential Storm Cleanup

Part of emergency preparedness is being ready to clean up if an extreme storm damages your home or property. Tractor Supply carries what you need to restore the condition of your home and yard, including:

4. Become Familiar with Severe Weather Safety Tips

No matter where you live in the United States, you are at risk for an extreme weather event. Whether it’s a severe heat wave, flood or seasonal storm, beware of best safety practices during extreme weather. Always call 911 if you are having a medical emergency or think that your life is in danger. Other tips include:

  • Stay tuned to the latest weather information from official sources. 
  • Seek shelter immediately if you hear thunder or see lightning. 
  • Document evacuation routes, identify shelters and make a list of emergency contacts. 
  • Listen to all alerts and instructions from local officials, especially if you are directed to evacuate. 
  • If you’ve evacuated, wait until authorities determine it’s safe to return home. 
  • When flooding occurs or there are downed power lines, turn off all of your home’s utilities. You should also do this if evacuating. 
  • Take precautions to keep cool during extreme heat events. 
  • Be mindful of the risk of electrocution – never touch electrical equipment when standing in water or if it’s wet. Avoid wading in floodwaters, as electrical charges could be in the water due to underground or downed power lines. 
  • Do not attempt to drive across water-covered roads or those with downed power lines or trees. Remember: turn around, don’t drown! Find another route around any dangerous obstacles. 
  • During a power outage, unplug all major appliances to avoid a power surge when electricity is restored. 
  • If floodwaters enter your home or building, move to the highest level of the structure, but do not climb into a closed-off attic. Only head to your roof when necessary or if you need to signal for assistance. 
  • Practice evacuation plans routinely so they are second nature and not forgotten during emergencies. 
  • Stay in your car if trapped by floodwaters, and get on the roof if water levels rise inside the car.

Frequently Asked Questions About Extreme Storm Preparedness Plans 

Why do I need an emergency kit? 

If meteorologists foresee the likelihood of extreme weather, they can alert state or local government officials to help citizens prepare. In other instances, forecasts may be wrong or extreme weather is unexpected. Having an emergency kit helps ensure constant preparation no matter the conditions. You want to continually update your emergency kit as needs change. 

How can I prepare my home for extreme storms? 

Ensure you have the right equipment at home to handle these storms, such as generators, cooling systems, snow and ice removal equipment and flood preparation supplies. Additionally, identify issues such as clogged gutters or cracks in the floors and correct them before they become major issues. Seek professional repair or replacement services if you don’t have experience. 

Shop at Tractor Supply for Weather Emergency Supplies

With over 85 years of experience, Tractor Supply knows what it takes to help our communities prepare for extreme weather events and clean up afterward. Get ready for the threat of severe weather by shopping online or visiting your local Tractor Supply store, where you can find great products from leading brands to support your Life Out Here. 

Please note: This information is general and is not intended to replace or override any of the advice, warnings, or information given by local officials, FEMA, NOAA or any other official regulatory organization or government branch regarding storm safety in the form of thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail storms, floods or any other natural disaster or man-made disaster. Always follow take-cover recommendations, evacuation orders and any other advice given by local officials for your area, regardless of whether it is similar to or different from the information on