Garden Planning: Patio Gardens

Authored by Leah Chester-Davis

Gardening on a patio or in a small space can be just as rewarding as a larger space. It’s amazing what you can grow in containers. If you have the desire to garden, all you need are some good containers, quality potting soil, plants, a water source, and the time to get it all started and maintained.

Sun or shade

It is possible to grow many vegetables in containers, but your patio will need at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. Many ornamental plants also thrive in plenty of sun. If, however, your patio is shady, that need not keep you from enjoying a garden. There are numerous striking ornamental plants that thrive in low light. 

Containers for patio gardens

Containers are available in a wide range of materials, including clay, ceramic, plastic, metal, and wood. When selecting a container, keep in mind how you will manage a container and its weight when it is filled with soil. If you need or want to move the container, will you be able to handle a heavy, decorative ceramic vessel? While they may be beautiful, it may make more sense to opt for lighter weight pots that are made from fiberglass or lightweight, all-weather resin. They are strong and durable, and many are designed to be quite decorative. They also are less likely to dry out as quickly as clay and ceramic containers.

Always make sure that every container you use has at least one drain hole in the bottom. To keep it from becoming plugged, simply place a broken piece of a clay pot over it. Also, when selecting containers, the larger the better. Not only will plant roots have room to grow, the watering demands will be less with a larger pot. Some plants, like tomatoes or peppers, need containers that are at least five gallons in size. With large containers, it’s possible to add some type of trellis for trailing plants, such as cucumbers, to climb. Other plants, such as herbs, can be grown in smaller pots. On a patio, a grouping of several different containers in different sizes can be quite attractive while producing both edibles and ornamental plants.

If your patio has a space to add hanging baskets, that provides yet another option for adding lettuces, herbs, or flowering plants.


A good, healthy soil is important for any garden, and especially so for container gardening. Start with a good potting mix. They are available with a moisture control feature, which can be an advantage with container gardening. Some potting mixes contain a starter fertilizer and some don’t. Check the information on the bag. If it doesn’t include fertilizer in the mix, consider adding a slow-release, granular, all-purpose fertilizer. Follow directions on the bag and estimate the amount needed based on the size of your containers. According to the University of Minnesota Extension, even if you use a potting mix with a slow-release fertilizer, repeated watering can leach nutrients over time. So, between two to six weeks after planting, begin regular fertilizer applications with either a soluble or slow-release fertilizer. Use the guidelines on the container. Too much of a good thing in this instance can be harmful.

Plants good for patios

Several plants are available in bush or dwarf varieties that do well in containers. Even compact varieties of popular shrubs are available. A mix of both edible and ornamental plants can create a striking patio garden that provides both beauty and ingredients for your favorite dishes. If you have a shady location, look for plants such as begonias, impatiens, caladiums, coleus, hostas, ferns, bacopa, and some ornamental grasses. The possibilities are plentiful!  

Watering patio gardens

Keep the moisture levels even in your containers. Don’t let plants become stressed by allowing the containers to become too dry for too long.