Americana Chicken Breed Guide

Breed type


Egg color

Blue, green, light brown

Pen or free-range?



Mostly calm and friendly

American  quick facts

Lifespan: Up to 8 years

Weight: Females (hens): 4-5 lbs.; Males (roosters): 5-6 lbs.

Appearance: Black, brown, red, white, blue-gray (adults) or blue-gray, yellow/white, brown (chicks)

Egg Production: 240-250 eggs/year

Good for Beginners: Yes

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Americana chickens represent a cross between the Araucana and Ameraucana breeds and are great egg layers. These birds are docile and friendly, making them ideal for a backyard flock. With 85+ years of experience helping people like you with Life Out Here, Tractor Supply shares what you need to know about the Americana chicken breed. 

History of Americana Chickens 

To understand the Americana, you must first know the Araucana and Ameraucana. It’s believed the Araucana breed was developed in Chile by the indigenous Mapuche people in the Araucania region. Araucana chickens are known for their blue/turquoise eggs and egg-laying abilities. Many believe this breed also has Polynesian ancestry. This breed made its way to Europe in the early 20th century and today is found worldwide. 

The Ameraucana came from Araucana and was first developed in the 1970s. It came when U.S. breeders wanted to refine the Araucana while maintaining its unique characteristics. The origin of the Ameraucana is contentious, with some pointing out these birds don’t resemble the Araucana of today. Instead, they argue both breeds originated in Chile hundreds of years ago, and their common ancestor is the Easter Egger, which also lays blue eggs. 

Easter Eggers are a hybrid breed, meaning the American Poultry Association (APA) doesn’t recognize them. However, Araucana chickens were recognized by the APA in 1976, and the Ameraucana was recognized in 1984. The Americana – which represents crossbreeding between the Araucana and Ameraucana – is also a hybrid and isn't recognized by the APA. 

Temperament and Good-to-Knows

Americana chickens make a great addition to your backyard flock because of their docile and friendly demeanor. This makes sense, considering Araucana and Ameraucana chickens share these personalities. Another trait Americanas have inherited is an inquisitive spirit. Like the Araucana and Ameraucana, these birds are active and like to forage. Other good things to know about the Americana include:

  • Place within flock hierarchy: Americanas are independent but not usually at the top of the pecking order. They typically integrate well into a mixed flock but, as with all chickens, can act aggressively if they feel threatened. It’s wise to closely monitor initial interactions when introducing new chickens to your flock.
  • Broodiness: Americanas are like Ameraucanas when it comes to broodiness. They aren’t especially broody but are attentive when they hatch. 
  • Hardiness: This breed is very cold and heat hardy. They thrive in various climates and are disease-resistant. However, any chicken breed can struggle in extreme temperatures without the necessary accommodations. Ensure you provide your chickens with supplies and shelter to beat the summer heat and stay warm in winter.
  • Breeding for show: Since Americanas are a mixed breed not standardized by the APA, they aren’t ideal for exhibition. That said, these birds come in a range of colors and can provide ornamentation within your flock.

Visual and Egg Characteristics

Unique appearances and egg-laying capabilities are part of the Americana’s heritage. Discover this breed’s physical characteristics and egg production rates: 

Physical Characteristics of Americanas 

Both the Araucana and Ameraucana have distinct appearances and come in many colors. Likewise, plumage on mature Americana chickens may include blue-gray, black, brown, red or white. Americana chicks have just as much variety, with blue-gray, yellow/white and brown with stripes as some common colors and patterns. 

A key differentiator between the Araucana and Ameraucana is that Araucanas have tufts and Ameraucanas have muffs. Tufts are curled feathers near the ear area and muffs are fluffy feathers around the face that resemble a beard. 

Similarly, Americanas have unique feathers on their faces. As chicks, they often have tufts on the sides of their faces that look like fluffy cheeks. As adults, they’ll have tufts of feathers on the sides of their faces and/or their necks. Americanas also have pea combs, which can prevent frostbite and help these chickens thrive in cold climates. 

Americana Egg Production 

Egg-laying capabilities make Americanas a valuable addition to your flock. Hens lay approximately 240-250 medium-sized eggs per year. These eggs range in color and may include blue, green or light brown. 

Health and Care

Americanas can live up to eight years or even longer, depending on their health and care. That’s why you want to prioritize your chicken’s health and wellness. Consider these tips for proper care: 


Due to their ability to fly and a tendency to explore, Americanas make great free-range birds. However, they’ll still need protection from predators like foxes and hawks. Invest in poultry containment and security accessories, such as covers for runs and fencing. Consider at least 10 square feet in the run. 

 Your chickens require the right amount of space within the coop as well. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 4 square feet of space in the coop. Coops also need proper ventilation and nesting boxes. Americanas enjoy significant roosting space. Although these birds can fly up to roosting bars, keepers may consider providing a ramp for chickens to climb up to roosting bars. A clean coop is essential to your chickens’ well-being. Be sure to clean the coop regularly to support your birds’ health. 


Americanas like to forage, but you still want to provide high-quality layer poultry feed to ensure they maintain adequate nutrition. If your Americanas can’t be free-range, consider providing free choice grit or a calcium supplement. You can supplement their diets with fresh fruit and veggies, as well. Of course, these chickens also need regular fresh water supply throughout the day.

Accommodations in Different Climates 

As hardy as Americana chickens are, they still need additional accommodations to stay safe in extreme cold and heat. For example, consider coop heaters in the winter and additional waterers in the coop and run during the summer. Chickens also need access to shade when it’s warm to avoid heat stress.

Live Birds and Poultry Supplies at Tractor Supply 

Looking for a unique chicken that can increase the egg production for your flock? The Americana is a hybrid breed that’s great for a backyard flock. To find Americana chickens and other breeds, turn to America’s largest rural lifestyle retailer, Tractor Supply. We offer live chickens and poultry supplies to meet your needs. You can also get tips for proper chicken care in The Coop. Shop for Americana chickens online or visit your local Tractor Supply store