Ornamental free-range breed that has an active temperment. Fayoumi prefer to keep an independent lifestyle and are incredibly self-sufficient.
Authored by Sam Peterson
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Weight: Females (Hens) - ~3.5 lbs; Males (Roosters) - ~4.5 lbs.
Appearance: Long neck and legs accompanied by a white head and speckled body
Egg Production: Approx. 150 eggs/year
Good for Beginners: No, Fayoumis are associated with non-domesticated birds and tend to dislike human interaction.
The Fayoumi is a breed of chicken believed to date back to ancient Egypt. They are still popular around the Nile River valley but have only recently made their way to the United States, but they are quickly finding a group of devoted fans. These birds are small, reliable layers with exceptional disease resistance and heat-hardiness. Their unique, upright appearance can be very attractive to the eye. They love to roam and have a self-sufficient attitude. Keepers with plenty of space and warm weather should consider adding the Fayoumi to their flock.
The temperament of Fayoumis can scare them off from amateur keepers, as they behave closer to non-domesticated birds. They do not appreciate human handling and even with persistent socialization they can still shy away. Prospective owners should be ready to allow their birds an independent, free-range lifestyle, as they need plenty of space to roam. They love to forage and fly, often roosting in trees. Owners may wish to build especially tall fencing as these athletic birds can clear fences other breeds cannot. Keeping all of these things in mind, raising Fayoumi chickens can be fascinating provided you have the correct mindset and facilities.
The Fayoumi breed is seen as a reliable layer, though their production is not astounding. They produce small, tinted white eggs at a rate of about 150 per year. They have the broody gene and make good mothers to their own kind. A unique trait amongst this breed is they are known to mature very quickly, with hens beginning to lay eggs after only a handful of months. This quick maturation can help offset their average production. Because roosters and hens weigh only 3 to 5 pounds on average, Fayoumis do not make great meat chickens and are generally kept for their eggs or simple ornamental value.
Egyptian Fayoumis can be easily recognized by their appearance, which has a rustic flair akin to wild birds. They have long necks, long legs, and athletic builds. These predator-savvy birds have large eyes to help keep them safe as they enjoy roaming about. They fit all of this into a compact frame smaller than most average-sized birds. If you ever struggle to find your Fayoumis in brush, look for their white heads poking out atop the grass! Fayoumi coloration is general silver with black barring. The clean, white feathers typically concentrate at the head with the black speckling increasing towards the end of the wings and tail. Their long, exposed legs are a greyish blue. They have single combs which tend towards a pink to light red color.
With their long history, Fayoumis are an exceptionally strong, resistant breed. They thrive through their independence and are resistant to many types of disease which would plague other domestic chickens. They require little maintenance aside from general bird care. They have been studied for their disease resistance by universities across the world, a testament to their natural ability. However, due to their origins along the Nile in Egypt, these birds are not cold-hardy. They lack the feathering to protect themselves from cold and wet conditions and will suffer as a result. Owners should make sure they are in a sufficiently warm climate before they consider raising Fayoumis.
Are Egyptian Fayomi Chickens cold hardy?
No, this breed of chicken thrives best in warm environments and lacks the proper plumage for enduring cold temperatures.
What are common predators for Egyptian Fayoumi Fayoumi Chickens?
Egyptian Fayoumis are free-range birds that can fall victim to predators such as raccoons, snakes, hawks and dogs. However, their unique features, such as their large eyes, help them to evade these animals.
At what age do Egyptian Fayoumi Hens start to produce eggs?
Fayoumi Hens can start laying eggs as pullets, meaning that they may start producing eggs within their first few months of life.
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